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Registration is open for the Fall Program 

New classes start on November 24,24

In 2024 -We are looking to offer 10 levels of English Classes

                                                                Each Level is done in 7 weeks

Our program can be accomplished in 21 months

We offer classes at nighttime

Four Days a week- 

Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday & Thursday from 5:30 to 7:00 PM

Two days a week

Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday

7:00 to 10:00 PM

Once a week


8:00 to 2:00 PM

Call us for more information



Registraciones abiertas para Clases de Otoño

Las nuevas clases inician en Noviembre 24,24

En el 2024 ofreceremos 10 niveles Ingles

Cada nivel tiene una duracion de 7 semanas

Nuestro programa dura 21 meses en su totalidad

Ofrecemos clases en las noches

Cuatro dias a la semana

Lunes, Martes, Miércoles y Jueves de 5:30 a 7 :00 PM

Dos dias a la semana

Lunes y Miercoles o Martes y Jueves

7:00 a 10:00 PM

Una vez a la semana

Los Domingos 

8:00 AM a 2:00 PM

Llamenos para mas informacion




Our Students


We teach English as a Second Language to adults who spea​k other languages

Please call us for more info

154 Post Ave, Westbury NY 11590


Our Program 

With the Support of the Westbury Public Schools, we offer 10 levels of classes



LEVELS 1, 2 & 3

The Survival Language

Goal: to communicate, to give and request, personal basic information.

Achievements: to speak about oneself at the present moment and the immediate past; to talk about time, weather, and common things and activities; to address people in a courteous way, using appropriate expressions for social interaction; to speak properly about spatial and temporal conditions; to compare and contrast; to express likes or preferences; to share experiences, current or distant activities.


Level 1

Greetings, introduction

Spelling, to use numbers

Talking about time: hour, day, month, year, holidays

Sharing impressions about weather

Describing people, current things and situations

Level 2

Expressing ability, obligation, advice, recommendation, necessity

Being polite: to ask for and to give permission, help

Speaking about actual things and situations

Stating situations and facts that are happening or happened in the past

Talking about count and non count things and quantities

Expressing property and quantities

Level 3

Locating in time and space

Expressing basic temporal and spatial relations

Comparing and contrasting people and things

Talking about duties, responsibilities, and suggestions

Expressing likes, dislikes, and preferences

Using regular and irregular plurals

Addressing other people using different degrees of courtesy.


LEVELS 4, 5, 6 & 7

From Survival to Participation

Goal: to communicate with more elaborated structures: actual, past, future, possible or dependant.

Achievements: to speak appropriately about the spatial and temporal environment; to compare and differentiate, to express taste and preference, to discuss immediate, remote, and possible future activities, and to speak and locate activities from immediate and distant past.


Level 4

· Asking about identity, cause, way, option, time, etc.

· Expressing past events adequately (verbal regularities and irregularities)

· Referring to simultaneous activities

· Making comparisons between countable and non-countable things

· Commenting and distinguishing future events

Level 5

· Expressing possibility, potentiality, or duty in relation to different temporal frames

· Referring to option or alternative

· Expressing continuity, frequency, or alternation of activities

· Using adequately perfect tenses

Level 6

· Expressing temporal coordination: precedence, posteriority

· Using properly diverse word functions

· Referring to other’s speech

· Using infinitives and gerunds

· Expressing conditions

Level 7

· Talking about future or adverse conditionality

· Expressing adversity or opposition

· Using gerunds as subjects, objects, or objects of preposition

· Constructing compound sentences, integrated adequately to relative pronouns

· Including adjective modifiers in the speech.



LEVELS 8, 9 & 10

Integration to a new language

Goal: to speak using all type of structures in different verbal times with fluidity and property.

Achievements: to use different adverbs and adverbial forms, to integrate different gerunds into their speech, to express motivation and intention, to speak about real and unreal conditions in present, past and future tenses, to use reflective forms, and to express causality and logical order.


Level 8

Using all kinds of verbs adequately.

Speaking about indefinite things, using different kinds of indefinite pronouns.

Expressing reflective, infinitive, active and passive forms.

Referring to affirmative, negative or multiple options

Expressing cause and effect, alternative, adversity.

Level 9

Reinforcing reading and writing strategies.

Paraphrasing written texts and speeches.

Sharing current cultural and social issues.

Arranging papers or speeches properly.

Reporting written texts or speeches.

Level 10

Familiarizing with college-level texts.

Using adequately logical relationships in written texts or speeches.

Reading graphic or statistical reports.

Making inferences or conclusions in relation to written texts or speeches.

Using academic jargon.


Beyond the Basic ESL program

Goals: to improve articulation, intonation and fluency; to enrich vocabulary and develop basic skills for academic text writing.

Achievements: to articulate adequately English phonemes; to keep a proper intonation of the language; to produce oral and written speeches about North American culture subjects; to write clear and coherent texts.


· Enriching vocabulary.

· Reading and writing about specific subjects.

· Drawing conclusions.


· Talking about selected topics.

· Practicing prepared dialogues.

· Reviewing vocabulary and pronunciation.

· Presenting parts of the personal project (from the final project).


Goals in English

Eating, ordering, and working in a restaurant, commercial center.

To give and to receive directions.

Hospitals/Emergencies/Medical appointment.


Their own country/Other countries/ Immigration/ Citizenship.

Current science and technology

Legal issues


General Criteria

· Attendance: it is obligatory and below 70% implies the repetition of the level.

· Goal accomplishments of the level: it is confirmed through:

o Written tests in class: intermediate and final

o Oral test at the end of the level

o In both tests it is necessary to reach a minimum of 70%, on the contrary implies to repeat the level or, according to teacher’s criteria, to go to the next level repeating at the same time the previous one.

· Project of class: each level has a project that the student must present at the end of the course. In the case of the Eighth Level, the project is the graduation.

· Best Plus: WLC oral test that all the students must take when entering the program and, every 50 class hours.

· Best Literacy or TABE: WLC written evaluations that all the students must take after obtaining a score over 541 points on the Best Plus. These evaluations are given every 50 class hours.

· Graduation: finalizing the tenth level and after accomplishing all the evaluative requirements.


We're a team of dedicated individuals who love what we do. Contact us to learn more!

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